ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߓߊߛߎ߲ (߇߂߀ × ߇߂߀ ߖߌ߬ߦߊ߬ߘߊ߲ߕߊ߸ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߢߊ߲ߞߊ߲: ߂߆ KB߸ MIME ߛߎ߮ߦߊ:image/jpeg)

ߘߐ߬ߛߙߋ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߦߊ߲߬ ߠߋ߫ Wikimedia Commons ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߐ߬ߛߌ߮ ߕߐ߭ ߟߎ߬ ߞߏ߬ߣߌ߲ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߟߊ߫. ߊ߬ ߕߐ߯ ߛߓߍߟߌ ߦߙߐ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߞߊ߲߬ߛߓߍߟߌ ߞߐߜߍ ߟߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߘߎ߰ߟߊ ߘߐ߫ ߣߌ߲߬.


English: Basically Tanbiruzzaman is a Wikipedian, who mainly contributing in Bengali Wikipedia.
বাংলা: মূলত তানবিরুজ্জামান একজন উইকিপিডিয়ান, যে প্রধানত বাংলা উইকিপিডিয়ায় অবদান রেখে থাকে।
ߛߎ߲ ߟߊ߫ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߟߋ߫ ߘߌ߫
ߛߓߍߦߟߊ Tanbiruzzaman

ߟߊ߬ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߟߌ ߦߴߌ ߘߐ߫

Public domain
This file is in the public domain because it is the work of a computer algorithm or artificial intelligence and does not contain sufficient human authorship to support a copyright claim.

The United Kingdom (legislation) and Hong Kong (legislation) provide a limited term of copyright protection for computer-generated works of 50 years from creation.
AI derivative works Legal disclaimer
Most image-generating AI models were trained using works that are protected by copyright. In some cases, such assets and models can produce images that contain major copyrightable elements of those copyrighted training images, making these outputs derivative works. Accordingly, there is a risk that AI-generated art uploaded on Commons may violate the rights of the authors of the original works. See Commons:AI-generated media for additional details.

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ߝߍ߬ߛߓߍߟߌ ߟߎ߬

ߛߌ߬ߕߊ߬ߙߌ߬ ߞߋߟߋ߲߫ ߢߊߦߌߘߊߟߌ ߝߙߊ߬ ߞߵߊ߬ ߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߡߍ߲ ߞߐߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߟߊ߫.
Tanbiruzzaman's photo made by Artificial Intelligence.

ߛߓߍߟߌ ߞߍߣߍ߲߫ ߦߋ߫ ߝߌ߬ߛߌ ߡߍ߲ ߞߊ߲߬ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߘߐ߫

depicts ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

ߡߐ߬ߟߐ߲ ߡߍ߲ ߕߍ߫ Wikidata ߝߌ߬ߛߌ ߝߋ߲߫ ߘߌ߫

author name string ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: Tanbiruzzaman
Wikimedia username ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: Tanbiruzzaman

copyright status ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

copyrighted ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

source of file ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

original creation by uploader ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߁ ߓߌ߲ߠߊߥߎߟߋ߲ 2023

checksum ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲


determination method or standard ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲: SHA-1

data size ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߂߆,߁߇߅ byte

߇߂߀ pixel

width ߊ߲߬ߜߑߟߋ߬ߞߊ߲

߇߂߀ pixel

ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊ߫ ߘߐ߬ߝߐ

ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ/ߕߎ߬ߡߊ ߛߐ߲߬ߞߌ߲߬ ߓߊ߫߸ ߞߊ߬ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߎ߬ ߦߋ߫.

ߞߍߛߊ߲ߞߏ߂߁:߁߃, ߇ ߞߏ߲ߞߏߘߌ߬ߓߌ ߂߀߂߃ߡߊ߬ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߬ߠߌ߲ ߠߊߘߐ߯ߦߊߣߍ߲ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߣߌ߲߬ ߂߁:߁߃, ߇ ߞߏ߲ߞߏߘߌ߬ߓߌ ߂߀߂߃ ߠߊ߫߇߂߀ × ߇߂߀ (߂߆ KB)TanbiruzzamanUploaded own work with UploadWizard
ߞߐߜߍ߫ ߛߌ߫ ߡߊ߫ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬

ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊߟߌ߫ ߞߙߎߞߙߍ

ߥߞߌ߫ ߕߐ߭ ߢߌ߲߬ ߠߎ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߟߊ߫:
