ߢߊߓߐߣߍ߲ ߛߊ߲ߘߐߕߊ߫ ߜߘߍ߫ ߕߍ߫ ߦߋ߲߬
ߘߐ߬ߛߙߋ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߦߊ߲߬ ߠߋ߫ Wikimedia Commons ߖߊ߬ߕߋ߬ߘߐ߬ߛߌ߮ ߕߐ߭ ߟߎ߬ ߞߏ߬ߣߌ߲ ߘߌ߫ ߛߴߊ߬ ߟߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߟߊ߫. ߊ߬ ߕߐ߯ ߛߓߍߟߌ ߦߙߐ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߞߊ߲߬ߛߓߍߟߌ ߞߐߜߍ ߟߋ߬ ߦߋ߫ ߘߎ߰ߟߊ ߘߐ߫ ߣߌ߲߬.
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ߓߍ߲߬ߒߡߊ߬ߞߊ߲߫ ߣߊ߬ߕߐ ߢߌ߲߬ ߠߎ߬ ߟߊ߫:
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ߘߍ߬ߒ߬ߡߊ߬ ߝߋ߲ – ߣߴߌ ߞߵߊ߬ ߡߊߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߫߸ ߖߙߎߡߎ߲ ߦߟߍ߬ߡߊ߲߫߸ ߥߟߊ߫ ߞߵߊ߬ ߓߊ߯ߙߊ ߓߐ߬ߓߐ ߣߌ߲߬ ߞߊ߲߬، ߌ ߞߍߕߐ߫ ߦߋ߫ ߌ ߟߊ߫ ߓߟߏߡߊߜߍ߲ ߘߐߝߘߊ߫ ߟߊ߫ ߘߌ߬ߢߍ߬ߒ߬ߡߊ߬ߟߌ߫ ߖߋߞߎ ߥߟߊ߫ ߓߍ߲߬ߡߊ߬ߕߊ ߟߊ߫ ߖߊ߬ߡߊߙߌ ߟߋ߬ ߟߊ߫. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.1/jp/deed.en CC BY-SA 2.1 jp Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.1 jp true true
Anatomography Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS) This image was made out of, or made from, content published in a BodyParts3D/Anatomography web site. The content of their website is published under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.1 Japan license. The author and licenser of the contents is
You can download 3D-polygon data of whole human body. And you can also manipulate and edit the polygon data using 3D softwares, for example, Meshlab or Blender .
ߒߞߏ ߛߌ߬ߕߊ߬ߙߌ߬ ߞߋߟߋ߲߫ ߢߊߦߌߘߊߟߌ ߝߙߊ߬ ߞߵߊ߬ ߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߦߋ߫ ߡߍ߲ ߞߐߦߌ߬ߘߊ߬ ߟߊ߫.
ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߊ߫ ߘߐ߬ߝߐ
ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ/ߕߎ߬ߡߊ ߛߐ߲߬ߞߌ߲߬ ߓߊ߫߸ ߞߊ߬ ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߟߎ߬ ߦߋ߫.
ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߘߊ/ߕߎ߬ߡߊ߬ߟߊ߲ ߞߝߊ߬ߟߋ߲ߛߋ߲ ߛߎߡߊ߲ߘߐ ߟߊ߬ߓߊ߰ߙߊ߬ߟߊ ߞߊ߲߬ߝߐߟߌ
ߞߍߛߊ߲ߞߏ ߁߉:߄߃, ߁߄ ߞߏߟߌ߲ߞߏߟߌ߲ ߂߀߁߉ ߆߀߀ × ߆߀߀ (߂߅.߇߅ MB) Jahobr {{Information |description ={{en|1=Human skull .}} |date =2019-12-14 |source =Polygon data are from BodyParts3D<br> This file is a cobination of File:Frontal_bone_-_animation_02.gif and File:Teeth_-_animation_02.gif |author =Polygon data were generated by Database Center for Life Science (DBCLS)<br> (modifications Jahobr ) }} Category:Anatomical plates and drawings of the human skull
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ߞߐߜߍ߫ ߛߌ߫ ߡߊ߫ ߞߐߕߐ߮ ߣߌ߲߬ ߠߊߓߊ߯ߙߊ߫ ߡߎߣߎ߲߬
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